Rabot Glacier Now a World Reference

06 February 2020

The Rabot Glacier, situated on the western side of the Kebnekaise massif, is now included in the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). The glacier has been continuously monitored by Tarfala Research Station since 1981. To qualify as a reference glacier the mass balance data series of the glacier must be longer than 30 years.
Storglaciären, situated on the eastern side of Kebnekaise massif, is already a reference glacier. Together with 40 other glaciers, the two glaciers in Tarfala´s vicinity provide a unique record of the state of the world´s glaciers and their response to climate change.
Glacier mass balance describes how much a glacier gains or loses mass over a year. Data input to the calculations of glacier mass balance is provided by measurements of snow-accumulation and snow-density at the end of the winter. Ablation, i.e. melting of snow and ice, is measured during the summer melt-season.
Read more about the World Glacier Monitoring Service here.  

The location of Rabot Glacier. 

Field technician from Tarfala Research Station measuring mass balance on the Rabot Glacier.
Photographer: Gunhild Rosqvist.