Please use this form to request submission of your community project data to be included on the SITES Data Portal. Name Email address Dataset name as it should be displayed in the data portal Description List parameters/units, instruments, methods, quality control process, sampling interval etc.See for example. Keywords Thematic programme - None -SITES WaterSITES SpectralSITES AquaNet Stations Abisko Asa Bolmen Erken Grimsö Lönnstorp Röbäcksdalen Skogaryd Svartberget Will the data file be larger than 64MB? Yes No Size in GB We will reach out to explain how to send the data. Dataset One file only.64 MB limit.Allowed types: csv, zip. Can the data already be published? Yes No Publication date (if known) Publication date (if known): Date Publication date (if known): Time e.g. if the data is related to an article not yet publishedIf you don't know the publication date yet, you will need to contact us again to communicate it to us. Other comments Leave this field blank