As of 1st of January 2025, Dolly Kothawala is the new Station Manager of the Erken Laboratory. Welcome Dolly to the SITES Community!
Tell us about your background
My academic training has been multidisciplinary and has spanned biology, chemistry, geography, and the environmental sciences. Now, I merge elements from these different subject areas into my research as a biogeochemist, working with soils and fresh water. My research is driven largely by questions pertaining to climate change and drinking water quality. Before joining the academic world, I worked for several years at a research station, an analytical chemistry lab and as a high school teacher. Now, aspects from my academic and non-academic background become relevant as Erken Lab station manager.
What are you most looking forward to working on at the Erken Laboratory?
I look forward to working with the group of dedicated staff at the field station. As a limnologist, it is a privilege to work near a lake. As a soil scientist, it is a privilege to look out the window and see the forest. I look forward to the many new research activities planned for 2025 and seeing groups of elementary and high school students experience the joys of getting their hands dirty and learning first-hand about the natural sciences.
What do you do in your free time?
My free time largely consists of family-oriented activities, including bouldering, outdoor activities like hiking, spending time with a pet rabbit, and trying to get above 7th place in Mario Kart.
Photo credit: Esra Reichert