SITES Water Data updates

25 September 2024

Hot off the press, the secretariat together with the team from Skogaryd Research Catchment just updated one of the core time series within the station´s SITES Water program. You can now access all water chemistry data through the end of 2022 coming from Skogaryd´s extensive monitoring in their sub-catchments (see overview map). 

Open access to the chemistry data from the streams and the lake Erssjön can be found here:  

Chemical variables – streams 

Chemical variables – Erssjön (lake) 

image of skogaryd catchment

For further information about the SITES Data Management please also refer to our website on SITES Data: 

Where you can find information on: 

  1. SITES Data Portal – general access 
  2. Data Usage – including a quick guide on the data portal  
  3. Data License 
  4. how to acknowledge SITES when using data 
  5. Data Statistics Tracker 
  6. SITES Data Management Plan 
  7. feedback form for data users  
  8. SITES GitHub – with open source scripts for the user community   

Also keep yourself posted on the SITES Data Portal for continuous updates with new data being posted regularly. The 2023 Skogaryd chemistry data is planned to be published in December.