Updates from the AQUACOSM-plus run off experiments in 2022 and 2023

03 September 2024

The run-off scenario mesocosm experiment was set-up 5 times in a total in three lakes: in Bolmen and Erken in the summer of 2022 and in Bolmen, Erken, and Erssjön in the spring of 2023. The experiments used the SITES AquaNet mesocosm infrastructure connected to three of the constituent research stations and was part of the transnational European AQUACOSM-plus project, which hosted several international research groups and students involved in the experiments The experiments investigated the effect of three different run-off scenarios, which consisted of additions of inorganic nutrients and colored, terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) to the mesocosms in pulses of different intensities and frequencies. 

Though sample and data analyses by the project participants is still ongoing  the SITES Data Portal has started publishing a protocol collection (https://meta.fieldsites.se/collections/GGVOjZMkIzUz4i649iw8VjHc)  and the first data files (AquaNet Project Data) during 2024. The first paper to come from the experiment was also recently published, which was based on the Bolmen and Erken experiments in 2022. The results showed that disinfection bioproducts, which are formed during disinfection in water treatments plants, showed different responses to the run off variability treatments in the two lakes. You can read the paper here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0043135424006924 

The SITES AquaNet platform at Skogaryd Research Catchment