During the summer, Asa Research Station will be involved in a new project led by researchers from SLU and Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre. As a part of the project, traps for spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and other wood boring insects have been installed in the Asa Experimental Forest. Insect trapping will be done in two types of forest stands; spruce monoculture stands and stands of mixed tree species of spruce and birch. Staff from the station will monitor and collect the samples biweekly during the summer. In addition to Asa Research Station, insect trapping will also be carried out by Tönnersjöheden Field Station on the Tönnersjöheden Experimental Forest.
Short summary of the project:
“Swedish forests play a crucial role for the economy, society and biodiversity, and the need to transition from monocultures to mixed forests can increase resilience to biotic and abiotic threats, including climate change. The project aims to assess biodiversity and pest occurrence for Swedish forests using metabarcoding. Results include a potential pest abundance assessment tool and biodiversity assessment methodology to detect ecosystem health indicator species and forest damage. The project aims to increase awareness and preparation for Swedish forest stakeholders and contribute to the understanding of the benefits and risks of a mixed forest.”

Traps with lures for spruce bark beetle (left) and window traps for insect diversity (right). Photographer: Donnie Lee Peterson