December Data in Focus: Ten years of stream discharge from Asa’s Feresjön inlet stream

01 December 2023

The SITES 2023 Calendar theme is “Data in Focus”. The openly available data produced within SITES and stored on the SITES Data Portal is the “golden thread” of the infrastructure, allowing users access to ecosystem data that covers diverse habitats and climate zones across geographical gradients in Sweden. Each month follow along as we highlight a unique SITES dataset.  

At Asa Research Station, located north of Växjö, the forest landscape is a mix of spruce forests, conifer mix and pine with deciduous trees. The lake Feresjön, a small (area: 0.52 km2) and oligotrophic lake, is situated in the forested landscape near the station and is part of both SITES Water and SITES AquaNet Thematic Programs. Within SITES Water, hydrological, physical, chemical and biological monitoring in Feresjön and its inlet and outlet streams is carried out. In particular, to capture the water balance, discharge measurements of the main lake inflow and outflow is taken as well as lake water level and evaporation from the lake.

An example of this data can be seen in the figure below, where continuous discharge data from 2012-2021 (calculated from stream level data and flume dimensions) at Feresjön secondary inlet stream north-west is displayed. The V-notch weir discharge station in the photo, allows continuous measurements of stream level throughout the year, even in winter when snow and ice makes the streams difficult to reach. The discharge measurements continue today and the data is made openly available on the SITES Data Portal.

Link to Data:

Photo: Niels Aagaard Jakobsen; Graphic: Roberto Lo Monaco
Photo: Niels Aagaard Jakobsen; Graphic: Roberto Lo Monaco