When the ice starts to settle on the lakes in Sweden, it is time to increase the focus on SITES data again. Therefore, the SITES Secretariat has scheduled several data retreats to meet with colleagues at the SITES research stations, in the weeks left before the end of the year. This week, the team is meeting at Grimsö Wildlife Research Station working with the Grimsö Station Manager and colleagues from Lönnstorp and Röbäcksdalen. The aim of this data retreat is to further develop common cleaning scripts for the meteorological data across the three stations as well as work on the agricultural field trial data from both Lönnstorp and Röbäcksdalen and bird phenology data from Grimsö.
As data retreats will continue in the coming weeks, you should keep an eye on the SITES Data Portal for new data uploads (https://data.fieldsites.se/portal/).