There are two interesting projects that use both SITES Lönnstorps Research Station and the Plant Protein Factory in Alnarp. One of these projects is named GreenLeaFood and aims to extract components (proteins, dietary fibers and phenols) from green leaf biomass (e.g. sugar beet leaves, cover crops and fodder plants) that the food industry finds interesting and can benefit from. The second project, Green2Feed, studies the possibility to extract proteins from the green leaf biomass to produce high value feed for pigs. The by-products (side streams) from the extractions of the valuable components described above will be evaluated as feed for cows and as a biogas substrate to further increase the sustainability of the production system. Hence, if these projects are successfully, they will not only produce food and feed from green leaves, they will also produce biogas and bio-fertilizer that can replace fossil fuels and chemical fertilizers.

GreenLeaFood and Green2Feed started in 2021 and 2022, respectively, and both have funding until 2025.