Linda Groot Nibbelink has recently started as Field technician at SITES Lönnstorp research station! Welcome to the SITES Community, Linda!
To get to know Linda, we asked for her to introduce herself to the SITES Community:
Hi! My name is Linda Groot Nibbelink. I grew up in Goes, a rural town in the Rhine delta in the Netherlands. I studied International Land and Water Management at Wageningen University & Research and Organic Agriculture & Agroecology at BOKU in Vienna, Austria and at University of Hohenheim, Germany.

Besides theoretical knowledge of agriculture, I gained practical experience by working and volunteering at organic, biodynamic and conventional fruit orchards, horticultural farms and dairy farms in Europe. Last year I did a full season internship at a plant breeding institute in Switzerland, where I worked with developing new pea varieties. After several years of moving around the continent, I decided to settle down with my partner in Lund.
At SITES Lönnstorp Research Station, my role will be to perform measurements and assessments in the experiments at the station. I will also be involved with data handling, management of experiments and taking care of samples that are collected.
What I love about working at Lönnstorp is that it allows me to combine working with my hands and with my mind. At the same time, it gives me the opportunity to learn the specifics of agriculture in Sweden and gain practical experience with field experiments.